Tape & Tuffner Remover

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Tape & Tuffner Remover

Remove tape with ease
A powerful solvent that easily and painlessly removes athletic tape and adhesive residue from skin without irritation.
Tape & Tuffner Remover
  • Versatile use
  • Easy to apply
  • Fast-acting formula

Mueller Tape & Tuffner Remover is an essential product to have on hand. It's fast-acting, versatile, and easy to use, and it will quickly become a staple in your athletic training or first aid kit.

One of the key benefits of Mueller Tape & Tuffner Remover is its fast-acting formula. It quickly dissolves adhesive residue, making it easy to remove tape and bandages without causing skin irritation or discomfort. This makes it an ideal product for athletes, trainers, and anyone else who needs to frequently apply and remove athletic tape.

In addition to its practical benefits, Mueller Tape & Tuffner Remover is also easy to use. Simply apply a small amount of the solvent to the area where the tape or bandage is attached, and wait a few seconds for it to dissolve the adhesive. Then, gently remove the tape or bandage without causing any pain or discomfort.


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