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Self-adhesive tape
A self-fusing tape that won't damage protective gear or clothing, and can be used for compression on wounds to stop bleeding
  • Flexible support tape
  • Self-fusing technology
  • No residue damage

Mueller Mlastic Tape is made from a high-quality elastic material that provides excellent flexibility, comfort, and support. It's ideal for use in sports, physical therapy, and other activities that require joint and muscle support. The tape's stretchy properties make it easy to apply and adjust to fit any body part or shape.

Unlike traditional adhesive tapes, Mueller Mlastic Tape uses a self-fusing technology that forms a strong bond when overlapped, without the need for adhesive. This makes it ideal for use on protective padding, special injury pads, and clothing, as it won't leave any residue or damage the materials. It can also be easily removed and repositioned without losing its adhesive properties.


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