Revive 750 ml

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Revive 750 ml

Prepare shakes with ease
A stylish and convenient 750 ml shaker bottle featuring a detachable storage compartment for powders and pills.
Revive 750 ml
  • Capacity: 750 ml (25 oz)
  • Featuring a detachable storage compartment
  • Mixer net with sharp spurs to mix fruit water

A stylish shaker that will help you easily prepare all your protein shakes and other sports supplement drinks to consume the nutrients your body needs before, during and after exercise.

Smartshake Revive is easy to carry and hold, thanks to the soft loop handle and rubber details. The shaker cup features an improved mixer net – Fruit Infuser v2 – with sharp spurs to mix your fruits and berries with water. It's the easiest way to make fruit water!

With Smartshake Revive you get a detachable storage compartment, that fits at the bottom of the shaker cup and is perfect for your protein powder, supplements, keys or snacks.

Smartshake - Revive 750 ml

Care Guide

Wash bottle before initial use, and immediately after every use. You can wash it in a dish-washer or wash by hand in warm soapy water.

BPA Free
Dishwasher safe
Food grade approved
Freezer safe
Microwawe safe
PP Plastic
Advisory Information:

Although we make every effort to ensure product information is up to date, please always read labels, warnings, and directions provided with the product. If in doubt, please contact us or check manufacturer web page for more information on product.



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SmartShake started life back in 2009 , offering gym users a way to carry and prepare protein powders and shakes. Over the years the company and its product range have evolved to meet the needs of anyone living an active lifestyle.

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