Ultimate I Running Belt

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Ultimate I Running Belt

Ultimate running belt
A running belt that allows you to carry along on your run necessary items and replenishment while keeping your hands and pockets free.
Ultimate I Running Belt
  • Ultra-comfy Dual-Adjust waist belt
  • Reflective accents for high visibility
  • Neoprene pouch holds phone, ID, keys, and more

Engineered for the high-endurance athlete, the Ultimate Running Belt is the first refueling belt of its kind. The patented design allows you to carry enough fuel to go the distance without compromising on performance. It is ideal for rigorous activities like triathlons, long hikes, marathons, and extended bike rides. The Ultimate I and II does not bounce, chafe, or ride up when worn on your hips.

This running belt lets you bring your phone, keys, and replenishments on a run while keeping your hands—and pockets—free. You will simply have a better running experience with better physical and mental endurance if you use a running belt.

Fitletic - Ultimate I Running Belt


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Коллекция поясов, сумок, аксессуаров и фитнес браслетов для бега Fitletic изготовлена из качественного, крепкого материала и особо разработана, учитывая все потребности активного образа жизни.

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