100% Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris

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100% Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris

Natural testosterone enhancer
Natural testosterone enhancer made from pure Tribulus terrestris extract. The supplement improves both athletic performance and health.
100% Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris
  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Increases libido and sexual well being
  • Enhances athletic performance and muscle building

Tribulus terrestris is a plant that grows in tropical and moderate climates around the world. Many different cultures have used it for a wide range of health issues as well as for an athletic performance enhancements.

Studies have shown it to be a potent supplement that allows the body to naturally increase testosterone, possibly allowing for greater muscle growth, increased strength and stamina. It also works very well for improving libido and sexual well being. Tribulus terrestris increases testosterone levels in a different way. Instead of being a testosterone precursor, tribulus leads to the production of the luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body. When LH levels are increased, the natural production of testosterone also increases providing all the benefits.

Ultimate Nutrition - 100% Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris

Naudojimo būdas

As a dietary supplement, take one or two capsules daily.

Papildoma informacija:

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Maistingumo deklaracija

1 Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Amount Per1 serving%DV*
Tribulus BlendTrubulus extract - fruit and trubulus aerial parts750 mg**
* Percentage of Daily Values per one full serving.
** Daily Values are not established.
Ingredients / Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Cellulose, Dicalcium Phosphate, and Magnesium Stearate.

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Ultimate Nutrition 1979 metais įkūrė Viktoras H. Rubino. Varomas tikslo tapti geriausiu. Įmonės įsipareigojimas laikytis Viktoro vizijos išlieka – kurti aukštos kokybės, išsamiais tyrimais paremtus produktus už prieinamą kainą.

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