Tuffner Quick Drying Spray

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Tuffner Quick Drying Spray

Improved adherence
An easy-to-use tape adherent that helps tape and wraps stay in place better and longer.
Tuffner Quick Drying Spray
  • Easy-to-use
  • Durable performance
  • Secures tapes and wraps

The Tuffner Pre-Tape Spray revolutionizes athletic taping with its effortless application and superior adhesive properties. By applying it onto the skin before wrapping and taping, you can ensure that your athletic tape stays securely in place for extended periods.

Experience the difference with Tuffner Quick Drying Spray which offers quick drying action, allowing you to apply tape and wraps promptly without unnecessary waiting time. Its fast-drying formula ensures that athletes can get back into action faster, minimizing downtime and maximizing performance. With Tuffner, you can trust that athletes are equipped with the advantage they need to excel on the field or in the gym.

Mueller - Tuffner Quick Drying Spray


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Mueller padeda elitiniams sportininkams ir sporto entuziastams siekti fitneso tikslų ir sporto aukštumų, išvengti traumų, po jų atsigauti, apsiginti nuo naujų ir pagerinti treniruočių efektyvumą.

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