Bronx Cargo Sweatpant

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Bronx Cargo Sweatpant

Perfect gym or streetwear
Cargo sweatpants to fit into the everyday Better bodies lifestyle! Triple threaded jersey material with a french terry cloth linining.

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Bronx Cargo Sweatpant
  • Tapered fit
  • Athletic fit and comfortable
  • Elastic waistband with a drawstring for custom fit
  • Pockets at the sides, and cargo pockets for bulkier items

You will love these Better Bodies cargo sweatpants!

Since Bronx Cargo Sweatpants feature a tapered fit constructed from triple-threaded jersey material with a French terry cloth lining that’s super soft and comfortable to wear. They have an elastic waistband with a drawstring for custom fit, pockets at the sides for easy access, and cargo pockets for storing bulkier items.

2 colours are available - khaki green and military camo.

Their perfect balance of athletic fit and comfortable construction makes them ideal for wearing around town or lounging around the house.

Better bodies - bronx cargo sweatpants are for a thletes who are proud to live the Better Bodies lifestyle!


Maximum shrinkage 4%

Wash with similar colours

Do not use softener

Do Not Bleach
Do Not Iron
Do Not Tumble Dry
Dry Clean
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