Bowery Tank

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Bowery Tank

Gym wear
Better bodies - bowery tank it is an excellent shirt with a T-neck on the back. Ideal for a gym, also can be used in everyday wear.

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Bowery Tank
  • Soft and breathable
  • Comfortable tank with a feminine fit
  • Better Bodies graphic across the front

Comfortable and fashionable, the Bowery Tank has a loose fit and a feminine look. It’s made out of a soft and breathable mix of polyester and viscose and features a cut that highlights your physique. A cool Better Bodies graphic, which varies between some of the colorways, is placed across the front.

High quality, functionality and design made with great fitness influence from athletes and their demands of what to wear during hard workouts, as well as in their daily life, in a great combination with tremendous consumer demand makes Better Bodies a success.

Better bodies - bowery tank is perfect for the gym!

Better Bodies lifestyle – the lifestyle of fitness!!!


Maximum shrinkage 5%

Wash with similar colours

Do not use softener

Iron inside out

Do Not Bleach
Do Not Tumble Dry
Dry Clean
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