Mens Long Tights

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Mens Long Tights

Gym tights
Men’s long tights has a great design and high functionality. A pant made for the gym – you just can’t miss it!

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Mens Long Tights
  • Elastic waistband
  • Comfortable and natural fit
  • Keeps you cool during your workouts

Better Bodies athlete team has contributed with ideas, feedback and tests. Together with them we made great efforts to get the right look and shape of these tights.

Mens Long Tights are made out of a comfortable blended fabric that keeps you cool during your workouts. They feature a 4-way stretch for a natural fit that allows for a full range of motion. A big Better Bodies print runs up the left leg and multiple smaller prints are added to the inside and outside of the elastic waistband.

Blended performance fabric that keep you cool during and after your workouts

It accelerate dry time and helps maintain shape after doing hard workouts.

Better Bodies lifestyle – the lifestyle of fitness!


Check the label

Do Not Bleach
Do Not Iron
Do Not Tumble Dry
Dry Clean
Machine Wash, WARM
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